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Tuesday, October 17, 2017

GUEST POST- The benefits of Homeschooling by Sally Keys

A few weeks ago I was sent this article by Sally Keys over at Stitch and Sew. Although I don't often talk about homeschooling very often, as I understand that the option is often not available to some, I think Sally does a beautiful job pointing out the benefits and opportunities Homeschooling brings.
For more information on how I homeschool my teens, you can check out this post or watch this video to hear more about the Oak Meadow's grade 7 curriculum we are currently using with our daughter.

The Benefits of Homeschooling
Homeschooling is becoming more and more popular, and while it can certainly be a challenge, it is also a particularly rewarding experience. Today, more than 2 million American children are homeschooled. They also tend to score significantly higher - up to 30 percent! - on standardized achievement tests. However, homeschool can also have significant spiritual benefits and can help your child grow socially and emotionally. 
Homeschooling Means More Learning in Less Time
Schools have a very strict schedule which usually doesn't equate to excellent time management. Homeschooling, on the other hand, allows you to tailor the activities to the educational goals of your child and avoid wasting time in administrative activities. Furthermore, schools are particularly frustrating for bright children, as they usually finish activities before the rest of the class and feel bored. Homeschooling permits you to speed up or slow down as much as you want, according to your child's individual needs.  
Homeschooling Fosters Strong Family Relationships
Homeschooling brings family members together, fostering intense relationships between siblings as well as between children and parents. Furthermore, one-on-one teaching is much more effective than teaching a class of 20 students. Finally, the dedication of a parent to his or her child and the degree of connection make homeschooling a wonderful option. 
Homeschooling Develops Creativity and Self-Confidence
Many schools focus on academics rather than developing creativity; usually, children are encouraged to think like everyone else. Homeschooling allows children to form their own opinions and foster creativity, as parents are more likely to support independence as opposed to teachers. Homeschooling allows children to be more assertive and less scared of expressing their opinions, as they know they're in a safe physical, emotional and moral environment. Homeschooling also lends itself to more research and in-depth exploration of areas of interest, without waiting for everyone to be at the same level.  
Homeschooling is Healthier 
Homeschooled children have more time for physical exercise and often get outside more, experiencing healthy and spiritually beneficial activities such as gardening while learning. They also usually have a healthier diet than their peers who attend a regular school, as it is easier to prepare healthy meals at home. Cooking with your kids is very beneficial, as the children learn to prepare their own meals and learn about what makes a meal healthy. School lunches or home prepared lunchboxes are not as packed with nutrients as homemade meals. Furthermore, homeschooled children aren't exposed to as many germs and therefore need less medication. 
Homeschooling can be a wonderful way of developing a strong and meaningful connection with your child if done properly, while giving your child a chance to excel in areas which aren't usually covered in depth or covered at all at school. 

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