We all have desires and wishes, for our family and for
We all see things we don’t like within our lives, which we
get used to complaining or grumbling about on the surface, and yet, stuck in
our patterns of homeostasis, we are unwittingly unable to shift to that which
we’ve wished for.
We are told to find
the feeling space of the ideal, the vibration of the desired outcome for our
children, our home or ourselves, but sometimes that is too big of thing to
find. Sometimes it feels too far away to feel it. Sometimes we don’t want to
think of it, worried that the “wish” will get pushed away if we focus on it.
When people start learning about the law of attraction they
sometimes worry about every thought and
word. They suck them back, scared to let their thoughts settle on anything for
more than a second. Or they got caught up in the search for what they Really
wanted, closing more options than opening up to them.
But we all want to unleash the power of those hidden
desires. The ones that just would make life feel better, even if we can’t put
our fingers on exactly what they are.
Do you want a little trick to tapping into them?
Try finishing the sentence: Wouldn’t it be nice if.....
Just try. I’ll wait here.
See the interesting thing about finishing off that thought,
is that it acts like a door to our imagination and our subconscious. We are literally
asking our spirit what do you want?
But without the weight of logically breaking it down, making
lists or really committing to it.
We are just asking our spirit, what would you like to
What would be nice for you?
Not, spectacular, not detailed extravaganza. It can be as
general as you like, or as specific.
The only rule... it has to feel nice.
Where does the phrase take you?
Wouldn’t it be nice to have everyone play well together?
Wouldn’t it be nice if we had more money?
Wouldn’t it be nice if I could offer my children more
opportunities? Wouldn’t it be nice to travel?
Wouldn’t it be nice to have more time? Wouldn’t it be nice
to go on a date? Wouldn’t it be nice to have more room? Wouldn’t it be nice to
find a great school? To homeschool?
Sometimes even starting a phrase with I wish... leaves us
with a bad taste in our mouths. It feels like we aren’t appreciating what we
already have, it leaves us feeling dissatisfied with our life.
The simple phase of Wouldn’t it be nice, suggests to our
lovely friend homestasis that we are playing a game with ourselves so we have a
free pass to imagine new changes without trying to shift out of our usual day
to day patterns. Instead our imagination lets go and we are taken to places we
didn’t really let sink into our plans.
And then we let them go.
Let them go in a good way.
Now, it’s important not to let that little niggling voice
in, the one that says “oh how could that happen?”
So, simply reply to it... “I’m just saying it would be nice.
Let the universe figure out the hows.”
Because really, that’s the trick isn’t it. We are active
components in this life. There are a million ways things can transpire. I mean,
I was just hearing a real life story of
someone having a bag of money fall of a truck! It’s about alignment, not plans.
So, even if it’s as simple as having a more organized house,
the simple phrase;
Wouldn’t it be nice if the house was more organized?
Acts like a genie as you can focus on what that feels like
without effort.
Such a better feeling than...
I wish the house was cleaner.... (sigh)
The house is always disorganized... I’m the one who always
cleans up.... (ugh!!!!)
Wouldn’t it be nice if...
Releases, relaxes and
And then allows you
to see how it unfolds.
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