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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Watching our little man interpreting his life

I'm so proud of our little boy. He's 20 months and over the last few weeks he's taken a big step in deciding Who He Really Is. I have two stories to share with you quickly before I head back to work. (My book is in the final stages everyone, stay tuned here for the big announcement of release).
We were taking care of our neighbor's cat after she fell and had to live with her family. Our cats really didn't like this new feline and over the last few weeks it had gotten to the point that he would pop in for some food and then escape quickly before meeting up with them. It was a sad existence for an animal so we suggested to the family that they find another home. Well they did and the other day we caught "Steve" and called them up to say come and get him. We thought when they opened the door Steve would just take off, so we decided to put him in a box safe and sound, so we could easily hand him over to the new parents.
Well as we grab Steve and put him in the box, needless to say he freaked out. He fought us, scratched us and basically caused comotion, like all cats do. Well our little boy saw this, and thought his parents were being very unjust. Within a instant he started to hit his father and burst into tears. Dad and I looked at each other, let the cat go and immediately hugged our wailing son. We were so proud. Sure, we don't want him to feel free to hit and scream at his parents, but we knew that he was standing up for what he thought was right. If animal activism is where his line lies, well, good for him. In his non verbal state he's in, this was the only way he could express himself and he did it so well. Steve was relocated to a cat carrier when the new owners came, it was simple and non violent as our son was upstairs with me. Our son had been right, the box wasn't needed.
Lesson of that day was simply to listen to our children. It would have been so easy to go on a rant, to get mad at him for hitting or not obeying what his parents thought was right. But listening to him, seeing his rage at what he thought was injust and then telling him, you're right, don't worry. Oh, sweet satisfaction.

Although our little boy doesn't talk yet, he understands everything. His father was planning to walk to the store rather late the other day so he called down to see if it was open. We barely talked about it to each other, but our little boy heard the phone call. It was his bedtime so although he usually walks down with daddy, this time he had to go to bed instead. However when his dad was off the phone, boy-o went to go get his gloves and hat like every walk. We told him it was bed and that his dad would take him tomorrow, after sleep. After explaining this a few times, our son went to bed content knowing that he would go when he woke up.
Well morning came, and the minute we were downstairs our son was straight to the gloves and hats, ready to go with dad. He had to wait until after breakfast, but dad made sure he took him straight after.
Lesson on that day, intergrity. our little boy is going to make sure we keep our word, at this young age he has honour and integrity and assumes we do to. What an amazing choice he is making.
Yes, I'm a proud mommy. Now back to work, or plork as a friend calls it. Play+work= Plork and I love writing about our little darlings.
All the best everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Wow you got an amazing son right there! I know both of you are good parents and your son is definitely lucky to have both of you as parents! Keep up the good work,

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